Managing Directions: Five Questions for Brad White

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Red Cullers Group Creative Director |

Jun 18, 2016 · 4-minute read

BrightHouse welcomes Brad White as our Managing Director and newest member to the family. Brad comes to us with 15 years of consulting work at both Boston Consulting Group, from his own consulting firm, (r)evolution, and as a partner at Prophet. With a chemical engineering degree and an MBA from the University of Chicago, Brad brings expertise, big ideas, and new perspectives to our team. Now let’s get to know a little more about him:

  1. What do you like to do for fun in your free time?
    I love to coach lacrosse and I actually coach my girls. For me, it’s first and foremost to spend time with them but it’s also my way of giving back. The role of a coach is like a teacher, and it’s a role where I can have an impact on 20 amazing girls at a very formative age and time in their lives. I’ve found it also helps me to better as a leader because often at work coaching is a big part of my job. It’s helped me to be thoughtful about how to get the best out of my team.
  2. What is your favorite food and where do you find it in Atlanta?
    My favorite food is anything my wife cooks, and there’s only one place to get that in Atlanta. I know how that sounds, but it’s because food to me is about the experience and connecting with people, so when I have dinner at home I am happier than I would ever be eating out in a fancy restaurant.
  3. How does purpose play a role in your life?
    For me, purpose is the north star that keeps you moving in the right direction when there are distractions. Like when it gets hard, or when you feel like you’ve lost the way or maybe there are just too many ways to go. For a person or an organization, purpose provides that direction and is often more than where, but the motivating reason why. A purpose is the thing that moves you to that destination and it reminds you on a daily basis why you are doing something. Without the why, I think it’s hard to move forward.
  4. What are you looking forward to most about your new role at BrightHouse?
    I’m at this point in my life and career where I’m looking for what I’m both good at and what I can do for the world, which really embodies the Aristotle quote on our conference room wall. BCG and BH are at this point where they need to grow and scale in size so that we can create the most value for the world. And something I’ve always considered myself first and foremost is a builder and operator after having been in consulting for 15 years and owning my own business. So to be here at a time where major growth is taking place is really exciting for me. It’s a chance to see some real impact being made in the world.
  5. How do you want to change the world?
    Having a personal impact in people’s lives is what’s always been most important to me. It’s why I love to coach. I’ve always felt that touching people’s lives at the right time is where you make the most significant impact. I also love to teach, and guest lecture at business schools, where I’ve found that with just a little bit of time teaching I can make a huge impact. When they are preparing launches into space, angles are everything. Even just the tiniest bit of a degree can change the entire trajectory of the launch, and it’s the same with people. Timing is incredibly important. Coaching young girls and teaching kids in college, those are pivotal times in their lives, so reaching them at that time is where I can make the biggest impact. If I can look back and see that I’ve helped shape the trajectory of people’s lives, then: wow. I’ve changed the world.

Look for more from Brad and all of us BrightHouse on the blog. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest insights on purpose.

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