Field Trip: Learning about VR with Trick 3D

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Paa Coss Group Creative Director |

Jun 01, 2017 · 3-minute read

When BrightHouse activates purpose in a company we often rely on partners to help bring our ideas to life. So, the creative department took a field trip to Trick 3D to learn more about the capabilities of VR and how we can use it to make purpose come to life virtually.

Trick 3D is a high-end animation studio specializing in the creation of both commercial and original entertainment. If you’ve flown Delta in the last few years you’ve seen their graphics in the airport and on Delta airplanes. They’ve also worked for Cartoon Network, Hot Wheels, Lego Star Wars and many more.
BrightHouse wants to remain a leader in bringing purpose to life with the latest technology, so field trips to places like Trick 3D who are on the cutting edge are important. During our visit, Trick 3D wowed us with their portfolio and answered questions about their capabilities as we brainstormed how we could use VR to bring purpose to life. We got to see their green-screen studio where they do shoots for VR. It was filled with bright green props, blocks, and boxes of every size. There was also a salon in the space before Trick 3D moved in, so they kept some of the mirrors and spinning chairs for their hair, make-up and wardrobe room.

They showed us several different VR headset set-ups and let us virtually explore their work, cruising through Delta airplanes, taking architectural tours of homes, and exploring virtual interior designs. It really helped to understand the unique abilities that come with rendering an entire set in CG.
VR allows for more freedom than traditional photography because once the space has been modeled in 3D, you can pick any location to take a photo from. Including places that would be physically impossible in a real location due to the size of the camera or the limitations of gravity. You can take a shot hovering 30 feet above a plane with the roof removed. You can pretend you’re a spider on a wall in the corner of a room. You can shoot from anywhere you can imagine, preform camera pans without a dolly, and never worry about whether your shot is steady.


Because the environment is virtual as well, you’re in complete control of the lighting. No waiting for magic hour to shoot, or having to cancel because of the weather. In virtual reality, you can go from day to night, and morning light to afternoon in seconds.
But we haven’t gotten to the point where virtual people look convincing. And that’s where the green-screen studio and wardrobe room come in. Trick 3D can shoot people in real life and swap them out on a computer generated set. This means you can now have a multiple location shoot, without traveling to multiple locations.

Equipped with knowledge about the possibilities of VR, we’re excited to come up with creative ideas to help activate Purpose for our clients.


And look for more information about what we’re learning here at BrightHouse on the blog. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest insights on purpose. 

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