Five Questions for The Innovative Tim Kuhrcke

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Red Cullers Group Creative Director |

Nov 20, 2018 · 3-minute read

Our Newest MD in Berlin, Tim Kuhrcke, began his career by founding a consulting firm to help local media redefine their role in a Google world. He then moved to The Boston Consulting Group in Berlin, focusing on innovation, consumer good and branding topics. Tim then joined Viacom and MTV Networks in New York where he was responsible for innovation both in linear content and digital products. From there, he joined the Management Team of renowned innovation boutique Sturm und Drang before becoming Strategic Design Director at BCG Digital Ventures. When he’s not innovating all over the place, he’s a psychologist, a long distance runner, and spicy food lover. Here’s 5 questions to help us get to know a little more about him:

What attracted you to BrightHouse?
“The opportunity to have the most important conversations with the most interesting companies in the world. Conversations about heritage, the future and their role in it. About who they are and who they want to be. About the nature of change and how it can work. And finally, seeing purpose in action, seeing the impact it can have in getting organizations and their employees excited and ready for the road ahead.”

You’re a psychologist! What are the psychological effects of having a purpose, a why, a reason to get up in the morning?
“If you can live and express your purpose and feel connected to the purpose of others and organizations around you, you can show up fully as yourself and bring along your human superpowers. These superpowers are in increasingly important in a business world driven by data and algorithms – the ability to collaborate creatively in complex settings (one of the biggest competitive advantages of humans as a species), the capacity for empathy, the ability to change and adapt, among many other things. All of this only works for us humans if we know why we should be doing it.”

You’re a sci-fi nerd, what are your franchises?
“The easy answer is that I‘m into Star Wars, my wife is a Trekkie. Sounds like the beginning of a sitcom, doesn‘t it? The hard answer is Asimov.”

You’re a long distance runner, what attracts you about running long distances?
“Besides the fact that after running 15 miles, your body really doesn‘t care how much ice cream you eat? It‘s mostly the realization that there is no finish line for anything, on the road or in life. Everything is constantly changing and in the making, each step is all there is, so learning to lean into that, being present in every moment is what running is teaching me. And to always carry some cab money, in case you‘ve been too optimistic on your way out.”

As a spicy food lover, what’s the spiciest food you’ve ever eaten?
“A Thai restaurant in New York ruined me for life. Now I can‘t taste anything under half a bottle of jalapeno sauce.”

Look for more information about our thought leadership here at BrightHouse on the blog. And be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest insights on purpose. 

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