Purpose transforms brand into a stand. By creating clarity around your brand’s role in the world, a brand can take a stand that turns consumers into advocates and employees into missionaries. A stand tells the world what you will stand for.
Every day, more than 50,000 brands compete for our attention. Perhaps several hundred will spark your interest. Over the course of your lifetime, only a small handful will truly earn your loyalty — the brands that take a stand. Employees, particularly Millennials and founders, are searching for meaning and significance, but they’re not the only ones. Your customers are also tired of being underestimated and under-appreciated. In the workplace and in the marketplace, we’re faced with an enormous array of choices and a constant barrage of promises. One powerful way to break through the clutter is to stand for something bigger and more meaningful. To convert a brand to a stand and ads into actions, a company must search its soul to find the values most authentic to it. They must fully appreciate the fundamental elements and aspirations of the organization and translate those into value for their consumers and their employees.
BRAND: A brand is supposed to be a promise to the consumer, but in practice it’s too focused on the need to move product.
STAND: A stand is defined by an emotional value proposition. Consumers and employees align with brands whose values match their own. More than value for your money, a stand speaks for the soul. And the only way to get there is to become clear on your purpose.

And look for more information about how purpose inspires companies here at BrightHouse on the blog. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest insights on purpose.