Although purpose is high on the management agenda, many organizations approach it superficially, settling for vision-setting exercises that lead to little more than catchy slogans and posters. Others may articulate it well, but they don’t ingrain it sustainably into their employees’ beliefs and behaviors. As a result, organizations not only fail to realize their explicit purpose but also miss out on its many benefits.
Purpose always matters. But in this era of heightened aspirations for leaders, shifting employee priorities, and always-on transformation, purpose has become even more important to both guide and energize organizations. It’s powerful in smoothing digital transformation, wooing and motivating talent, and elevating employee engagement to propel a thriving organization to new heights. And purpose can help an organization emerge from crisis or help heal its ailing culture.
As one COO we worked with observed, “Purpose turns the light on. It’s the vehicle that helps people understand why they are attracted to the company, that deepens their pride in the company, and that reinforces the emotional connection they have with the company.” And a leading CEO noted, “With purpose, you can feel an energy inside the company that’s different today than it was 15 months ago. And human energy is what creates results.”
Purpose can be powerful, but only if it’s authentic and deeply embedded. Go beyond surface purpose. Take the time to discover and articulate your purpose. But don’t stop there. Enlist leaders and advocates throughout the organization to find enduring ways to activate and embed it. Then, and only then, will you have purpose with the power to transform.

Find out more about how your purpose can get below the surface and transform your organization by reading our white paper: Purpose with the Power to Transform.
And look for more information about our thought leadership here at BrightHouse on the blog. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest insights on purpose.